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IP : 1.47.140.xxx

เมื่อ : ศุกร์์ ที่ 15 เดือน ตุลาคม พ.ศ.2564 เวลา 23:58:41    ปักหมุดและแบ่งปัน

The Javan Dove is shaped like any other bird in the same family. The body is covered with brown hair with a gray head. or the color of the head is blue On the side of the neck there is a black stripe alternating with a white stripe transverse stripes. The dark back has a slit. Similar to the stripes of zebras in foreign countries, the belly color is faded. The underside of the body is white with a small cross. The trailing edge of the tail feathers is white. Size when fully grown, not more than 8-9 inches. Like being together in pairs or alone but does not like to live in large crowds, often crying in the morning and evening Endemic to the distribution in the lower southern part of Thailand. to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines Male birds are generally slightly larger than females. The head is quite long. There is white on the forehead, very white, long to the middle of the head. while the female has a small round head and the white head is not as long. And there are slightly different details, such as the tail that the female is more bent than the male. and the scales at the ankles are smaller than the males.

237 หมุู่ 8 ต.คำแก้ว อ.โซ่พิสัย จ.บึงกาฬ 38170 โทรศัพท์ 042-086002 โทรสาร 042-086002